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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-03-05 - 3:24 p.m.

As a present for enjoying the rain, the weather deity has decided to give me some sunshine, too. Could there be any better weather today?

My weekend begins in less than an hour, and boy will it be fun. I am going to have so much fun that my head will explode, just you watch.

I have two ideas for writing, one a novel, the other a screenplay (indy-film-esque), but I am going to spend my first hours of the weekend begining the rewrite for the novel I wrote in November. It is a good story, I tell myself. It's worth the time and effort that it will take to make the story seem good to others.

This weekend is for creativity and renewal, I think. It's time to revisit the reclusive author stereotype. I've been invited to Pookie's for dinner Saturday, and other than that, I'm going to spend the weekend shut indoors, working on my crafts (writing and editing).

I'm feeling...a little dissociated, but in a good way. Giddy. Talkative. I had coffee this morning, and I don't drink coffee so much anymore, but I don't know if that's it.

It's a double-edged sword, because along with being talkative, I fear I've become annoying, an attention whore. Pay attention to me! Listen! I'm about to tell you a story about my childhood! Watch as I make a bad joke! I'm somehow going to relate your near-death experience to an episode of Transformers I watched once!


My writing style has gone all wacky, too.'s almost the weekend. I will cloister myself away until I'm normal again.


The Magus

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