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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The End of the World?

2004-03-05 - 4:48 p.m.

Four entries today. Why? Because.

I rewrote the first three pages of my novel, and I'm really pleased. Sentences that had given me trouble are just melting away. Granted, I have a fairly strong idea of how this scene is supposed to play out and how it affects the rest of the book, and it's definitely not filler, so that all helps to make the rewriting easier.

Also, it's freakin' summer outside! It's, like, 20 degrees celcius! That's almost a million in Farenheit! Is the sun exploding? It wasn't this warm on my lunch hour, so I guess the sun must be exploding. Duck!

The weather's so good that I really kinda want to go out and walk in a park or something, except that no one is around to do it with, and I don't want to go hang out in a park alone. I wish I had a patio.

I just realised that if the sun really is exploding, some people might not see the humour in my advice to duck. I wonder what future archeologists would think about it, should the earth, humanity, archeology, computers, the internet, diaryland, my diary, and the English language survive the catastrophe.

I don't really wonder about that.

Okay, today is clearly one of those days where my brain conjures crazy stuff. I'm going to let myself have fun with it.


The Magus

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