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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-02-27 - 8:59 a.m.

It looks like I may be joining a gay softball league this spring. The website says that all skill levels are welcome (I'm in skill level "none"), and it seems like a lot of fun. I'm hoping to convince Pookie to join as well, so I won't feel like such a goof, and so I'll have someone I know to practise throwing the ball around with.

I'm actually kind of excited, because I've never really been involved in sports, and I've always been kind of jealous of those people who can just get a game together from scratch. In High School my group of friends made a few attempts at pick-up games and they were fun, so I'm hoping to catch that same spirit.

The first week of registration is March 13th, so I'll have my fingers crossed until then.

I've also stumbled onto a roleplaying group (of the Dungeons and Dragons sort, so get your mind out of the gutter). It's only taken me 3 years. I'm supposed to go over tonight to roll up a character, and then we play every second Sunday, and as I'm writing this, I'm noticing that there may be a possible scheduling conflict between the softball games and the roleplaying. Eep!

Aside from sudden scheduling angst, it'll be great to have things to do outside of the house. If this keeps up, I might actually start being happy more often.


The Magus

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