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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2004-02-08 - 4:44 a.m.

My headache's gone, and I'm feeling okay. Meh.

It looks like I only have one more week of midnight shifts. I really will miss them, but the day thing will be for the best, I'm sure. I'll just keep reminding myself of the extra money, and of the regular schedule, and of the option to actually engage in social events with the rest of the city.

I'm still going to miss them. I really ought to come up with a list of the stuff that I will miss, just so that I have it and can look back on these times with fondness. Plus, it'll make it easier to regret the move. I don't have a list in me at the moment, though.

I also don't really have an entry in me, but I thought I should write one anyway, because my last one had me complaining about a headache, and I likely won't have computer access for a few more days, and I didn't want everyone to think I'd had an aneurysm or something. (For those who are curious, I've instructed Pookie (because he knows all my passwords) to write an entry here, should I die or become hospitalised or something. I do this, because I live in fear that someone I know will die and, because I have such an unreliable history of staying in touch with people, I might never know that they'd died. So, to all my favourite diaries, I command you to come up with a similar plan so that I won't have to worry if you drop off the face of the earth!)

I want to write about my editing class this term, mainly about something the teacher said about how all you need to be an editor is to say that you're an editor (because there's no real certification board or anything), and that how that sort of idea is a great one - the idea that you can become something simply by deciding to become. Empowering, no?

I missed a visiting friend today, and I'm waiting to hear from her before I start feeling disappointed and stuff, because I think she was supposed to call me when she got into town, and she didn't. She better have a darn good excuse, or else I'm going to make a scene at her wedding.

I guess that's all for now...hope you folks are all well and stuff.


The Magus

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