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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Survivor, No Logo, School, and one bad segue.

2004-01-30 - 2:33 a.m.

Okay, so I am really, really excited about the new season of Survivor which starts on Sunday. It's the All Star edition, which has me tingling with glee, because it means that all the contestants that I wanted to win the first time get to come back and get voted out too early again!

I don't really get all that excited about television usually, but somehow this season of Survivor has me bouncing around on the couch whenever I see a commercial. It's quite sad, really.

I'm also reading, as I may have mentioned, Naomi Klein's No Logo, which is a book that I heartily recommend, but it will change how you watch television, or even look at billboards. Knowing about the motivations of the people behind the ads, and knowing how the ads are supposed to affect me, has me second-guessing my own reactions, and generally worrying (in the sense of a dog worrying a bone) at my own hang-ups when it comes to brands and identity and social justice.

All of this means that I see a commercial for Survivor, bounce around on the couch for a few minutes, and then spend an hour wondering if it's possible to sign up for a Greenpeace mission or something without messing up my work and school schedules.

And speaking of school schedules, especially since I started this entry with several things I wanted to say but having given no thought as to how I would piece them together into a cogent and articulate entry that flows smoothly, I've further refined my long-term plans, and I'm pretty excited about that.

In a nutshell, I plan to have finished my editing certificate at or around the Fall of 2004. During the summer, I'm going to take a 6-8 week course on building websites, and I hope to have my freelance editing business started (and making no money) by the end of the year. Wee!

After that, I have two paths I want to pursue, and I'm not sure if I'll do them one at a time or if I can manage them concurrently. One is a web publishing certificate, the other is a general publishing certificate.

Heck, by 2006 I may actually find myself in a career. A career I'll have gotten without ever getting a university degree! Take that, you "stay in school" flunkies!

After I'm established, I think I will go back to university, but that's a long time from makes more sense for me to try to get a foothold in the publishing/editing/writing industry now, which does seem kind of backwards now that I say it. Viva Unconventionality!

I've ended three of the last four paragraphs with an exclamation point, so I guess that means I'm in a fairly good mood. I really wasn't expecting this. Huh.

That is all I have to say.


The Magus

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