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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Seeing the sun again

2004-01-29 - 6:36 a.m.

I'm back, feeling quite antisocial, and a conversation with a co-worker unexpectedly tapped into a giant reservoir of bitterness about my workplace, which I'm now trying, rather desperately, to ignore.

Why am I ignoring the bitterness, instead of revelling in it like I am wont to do?

Because it looks like I am getting a "promotion" (of sorts), and it does not do to walk into a new position carrying bags of negativity.

It's not really a promotion, I'll just be filling one of the positions recently vacated, but the position is full time, so I'm calling it an advancement, even if it sort of isn't.

Of course, this means that there will be some big changes in my day-to-day life. Namely, I'll be saying goodbye to the midnight shift, to the hours of time spent in quiet contemplation, of my prized status as one of only two people who "dare" to live the extreme lifestyle of the midnight shift call centre employee...

I'm actually quite concerned about losing all of the good things that went with the midnights. The day shift (it'll be 8-4, Monday to Friday. Just like a real job!) is, by all accounts, far more stressful. There's more work, and the supervisors are always around, not to mention the other office workers, and generally (I'm told) the atmosphere is much more hectic than I'm probably used to.

Unfortunately, I think that this is a change I have to make. I've been pushing for some sort of advancement here for over a year now, and I get the feeling (nothing more than my gut speaking) that if I were to pass up this opportunity, I won't get offered any others in the future. I also think I need to have more stability in my life, and a chance to actually go out and meet people, both needs are met by the constancy of the day shift. And the extra $300 a month won't hurt, either.

Argh...I feel like my writing is off today, so I'm not saying anything the way I want to say it. I feel like my inner caveman is trying to figure out my inner nuclear fission plant while all the inner nuclear physicists are out for lunch.

Anyway, I'll have plenty of time to wax poetic about my lifestyle change, since it all happens halfway through February. In the meantime, I guess the best thing I can do is spend some time appreciating what I have.


The Magus

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