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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Change is Bad.

2004-01-15 - 1:58 a.m.

So, just when things start to feel solid at work, the carpet gets pulled out, just this time not from under me.

I don't know any of the story, or the details, only that I'm 98% sure that we're losing one of our co-workers, and there's a possibility of losing another. Without knowing the story, I'm already trying to find ways to over-react, wondering if, hypothetically, I were to take a stand and give notice, I would be able to find gainful employment that pays me anywhere near enough.

Sometimes it's like working in some oppressive totalitarian regime here, where there could be random "disappearances" of the best and brightest, with no explanation given, where you must smile and be happy all the time or you risk being taken into a dark room and debriefed and/or reprogrammed. We get emails periodically telling us not to bad-mouth work to our friends and relatives. Even by writing this, based on this business' track record, I risk dismissal.

I'm hoping to get more of an idea of what's going on, and I have my fingers crossed that things will resolve themselves, but it looks like I'm about to spend the rest of this shift with butterflies in my gut, wondering "What next?"

I'm still buying my TV tomorrow, though, and I'm still getting a cat Monday. In these days of economic and fiscal insecurity, it's important to keep one's priorities straight.


The Magus

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