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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Alive. (in miniature)

2004-01-08 - 5:23 a.m.

My body would like my brain to be aware that it is not prepared to work tonight. In fact, the time off (requested so that I could move in peace), was really good, my body says, and it would like very much for me to take more time off. Soon. Like now.

But I need to work, for the following reasons:

I have no telephone, and it costs money to buy a telephone.

I have no television. In fact, any appliance that beings with "tele" is probably out. How much are teleporters going for these days?

I have no food.

Because I am tired and we have now officially passed the moment when night becomes morning (which is usually between 4:59 and 5:16am), I will list the items of food that I have at home:

In the fridge:

3 eggs

1 bottle of multivitamins

In the freezer:

1/2 bag of frozen peas and carrots

1/2 bag of frozen mixed vegetables (California style)

In the cupboard:

9 bags of lipton's green tea

2 tins of vegetable stock powder

1/2 a large bag of spiral-y pasta

1/2 can of Turtles-flavoured hot chocolate

1/2 bag of oatmeal

Assortment of pasta sauces and marinades

So, I probably have enough food to last me another two days, and I get paid in another 7 days. Pookie owes me money, but he doesn't know when he'll have the cash. HOWEVER there is a possibility that he was drinking with his friend tonight, so I'm hoping I can get ahold of him SOON. Pookie, if you are reading this, and you happen to be downtown today, stop by my apartment. Don't worry about waking me up. Bring food, if possible.

I so totally completely should never have bought that PS2 in December...


The Magus

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