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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Annually Challenged

2004-01-05 - 5:50 p.m.

After consulting with the experts (namely just about everyone) it appears that 2003 was a really crappy year.

I really have a hard time lumping years into categories based on merit (if anything, I tend to romanticize the past a little bit, I think), but in this case, when I think about it objectively, I may have to agree.

In general, there was the Iraq war, SARS, a heat wave in Europe, and no doubt countless scandals and evil-dealings that we haven't found out about yet.

In my specific case, I had everything from a bad houseguest to frozen and bursting pipes, from a crappy review at work to breaking up with my boyfriend of almost five years.

I'm kind of thinking that, when we're all old and grey, our great grandchildren will roll their eyes when each and every one of us reminisces about "aught three, the year of crumminess."

However, there are some good things that happened in the last year. Among them: the largest global protest for peace in history was held, and I participated in my own small way, I wrote another novel, bought a laptop, gave up drinking for 3 months (and counting), weighed in at under 240 pounds for the first time in three years, and took three editing classes toward a certificate, averaging around an A.

I guess I'm not going to say that aught three was bad. I'm going to say it was "challenging" (and then I am going to become a motivational speaker...).

Here's to a less-challenging 2004.


The Magus

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