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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-12-27 - 6:27 a.m.

I've been wanting a drink for about 48 hours now. I'm at the 3 month point, which is about the same time I crashed-and-burned the first time I seriously tried to quit smoking, so I'm assuming this is much the same thing - 3 months is a landmark, at least in my head, and so it has some sort of importance. I'm pretty sure that my wanting to drink will fade back into the background soon enough. I've been a non-smoker for over 2 years now, so I'm certain I can persevere in this case, too. In the meantime, I reserve the right to be irritable. Deal? Deal.

In non-giving-up-alcohol-possibly-forever news, I may have found somebody to move the couch into my new place next week, so I'll be able to sleep on something that isn't the floor. It's Pookie's brother who's volunteering his services (and his van), though, and despite his being a cop, he isn't the most reliable fella. He tends to cancel things if he suddenly decides he doesn't want to do it.

Money's going to be tight, and I'm starting to build a list in my head of stuff I'm going to need to buy, and it isn't terribly comforting. It's not fun having to choose between a microwave and a television, both of which are completely unnecessary appliances, but both of which will leave giant-sized holes in my life if I have to live without them. I also need to get a phone from somewhere. And a spatula, a frying pan, pots, a floor rug (the landlady insists on this for sound-dampening reasons, actually), furniture of some sort...eventually I'll need to get an actual bed. I also want plants, and a cat. This list doesn't include the two billion things that I don't know I need and won't find out I need until the absolute worst time possible.

I have stuff I wanted to talk about that involved Jesus and the "myth of redemptive violence" and whatnot, but I'm not feeling up to writing about that just yet.

And the 60% certainty that I am coming down with a cold has increased to a 75% certainty, but damn if it isn't taking its sweet time to get here. I've been waiting for this cold for a week, and it's only now that my nose is a little runny. Yeesh.


The Magus

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