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Movin' on up

2003-12-05 - 2:05 p.m.

So, the landlord for the Wonder Apartment of Bliss and Joy stood me up, again. Which leads me to the good news, which is that I am now the proud almost-owner of a slightly-more-expensive Apartment of Relative Contentment and Serenity. I've filled out the application and it's been approved, so all I need to do now is wait for January 1st and move in. I have, like, three posessions, so moving shouldn't be too hard.

The biggest advantage of the new place is that it is about two minutes, walking, from my work, the gym, and the subway station (which I will never use, because the only places I ever go are work and the gym), and maybe only 15 minutes from school. I'll have a gas stove, a full fridge, and I'm allowed to have a kitty, so sometime in January I will be visiting the kitty pound and rescuing some poor felonious feline from death row. Then I'll get to name the kitty.

The biggest downside is that the rent will be tight, but it is doable so long as I don't suddenly decide to start drinking again and/or investing in dot-coms or something (although I hear the technology sectors are recovering - don't make me do my disclaimer about having no financial training or authority). In theory, the rent would still be doable if I started drinking again, so long as I gave up food and entertainment.

So, even though I'm a little worried about the cash, I'm glad to have a place settled...I can now spend the next three weeks packing and getting my affairs in order and saying goodbye to the Anti-Lit Demon Cat.

In other amazing and shocking news, I went to the gym today and did my first ever pull-up, unassisted by machine. Pull-ups are frickin' hard, and I can now do one by myself. Yay! Tomorrow is my real "back" day, so I'll be trying to do more pull-ups/chin-ups.

That, my friends, is all.


The Magus

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