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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Perfunctory Entry # 13

2003-11-13 - 7:54 a.m.

I've been meaning to update the last couple of days, mainly because I had a mild anxiety attack Monday night halfway through my class that ended up lasting for about two or three hours, except the thing about writing about anxiety attacks is that they're really only very interesting to the people they're happening to, and they really aren't that interesting at all if you aren't having one.

I'm not sure why it happened, though the trigger was basically my teacher who dared to give me a B on an assignment. I have no idea why that set off that whole experience, since I've had much lower marks in different classes, and I don't really have too much at stake in my getting straight As in the class.

I ended up going to a writers' meeting/social event afterwards, which was something of a victory since when I walked in there I was still feeling hugely emotionally fragile, but by the end I was a little less crazy-feeling.

My story is working, which is a huge relief. I'm almost at the halfway point, and I'm not feeling rushed by the plot, even though I'd expected to be further along than I am at this point. I can see it working itself up to a good conflict at the climax, and I think I'll be able to resolve most of the plot threads without defying any narrative or physical laws. Hurray for something working!

Noveling aside, what I need to be doing these days is apartment hunting. I'm not looking forward to that.

And, I'm at about 6 and a half weeks without a drink. It hasn't been that hard. 7-Up is a good substitute. Honest.


The Magus

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