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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Almost Famous

2003-11-07 - 8:59 a.m.

This is my 2nd entry today: take note. (Don't actually take note, because, really, it's not that important. I think I just wanted you to know that I didn't just write this today so that, if you cared, you would know to read the other entry which may or may not have content that more appeals to your personal tastes.*)

I just noticed that in the last few weeks a bunch of people have listed me as a favourite, bringing my total to 32. I hope that you folks like what you read. I suggest skipping the boring entries (you'll have to read them to find out which ones are boring. I can't be bothered to sort them out for you). Also, welcome, I guess. It always surprises me when I'm selected as a favourite by a stranger, especially by someone whose zits look like piercings, for example (and by that example I mean by people who are intelligent and creative and funny to read in their own right). It's a great big giant ego boost, with just a little extra pressure to achieve. Thanks.


The Magus

*Because I'm doing this nanowrimo thing, which basically means I have to write a certain amount of words a day, I've been finding my non-fiction prose has been getting really, obnoxiously wordy. I'm really, really sorry about that.

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