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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

More laptop fun.

2003-10-16 - 8:15 a.m.

I'm almost kind of afraid to start writing on my new laptop. It's all so pristine and untouched by vulgar, human creativity, surely it is wrong to sully its memory banks with horrible rough drafts of stories that are probably never going to be read by the public at large.

Well, it has to be done, I suppose. I didn't spend all that money on a paperweight.

In other news, I apparently received the 2nd highest mark in our class on our grammar test. I'm going to give this certificate program one more set of classes, and if my average doesn't dip below an A- I'm going to have to assume that either the program is wimpy or that I am one of the greatest editors in the history of mankind. Maybe even THE greatest, on account of the records of Great Editors being so spotty. I mean, really, couldn't those editors have hired a biographer or two?

I think I may have a goal for after I get my editing certificate, which would be to take a Publishing certificate. And then after that I'll go back to get my university degree, probably in three or four years.

And I guess I didn't have very much to say today. I'm going to start writing some stuff on important issues soon, I think. Maybe some indepth analysis on why activism seems slightly less important to me than my shiny new laptop (mind control waves emanating from the screen?).

Wow, has this journal ever managed to lose any sense of a mission statement.


The Magus

PS: Jex, it is "bizarre." You can't expect a word like that to have an easy spelling.

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