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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Where I am.

2003-10-03 - 12:28 a.m.

So, here's the skinny, I guess...

There was an argument Monday night, which resulted in lots of bad stuff, including a block of about 15 to 20 minutes that I do not recall, but during which, the evidence seems to suggest, I started the fight.

I've been using phrases like "we're on a break" and "I think we're broken up" the last two days, my own personal cushion until the world makes a little more sense. The appropriate words are likely more concrete, but I'm not going to type them here, yet.

I'm not going to write much more about what happened that night, or about Pookie, at least not until things are straightened out and there's a clear direction. Also, I guess this stuff is a little like quantum how the more you pinpoint the location of a particle, the less able you are to figure out how fast or where it's going. Things are too unstable for close scrutiny right now.

So, basically all that I have to say on that subject is that I'm going to be spending the next while trying to figure things out. I'm giving up the drinking, largely because the only times that this sort of stuff happens is when I'm drunk. I'm also going to be seeing some sort of a councilor or therapist or something...I've had issues for a while, and maybe it's time I do the grownup thing and face them head-on.

What you can definitely expect from future the-magus entries is some writing angst, since the National Novel Writing Month starts in less than 30 days, and they've just opened their forums for those of us anxious to get started. If any of you writers out there decide to toss it all and try to write 50 000 words in 30 days with me, I've got the same darn alias up there on the boards, so say hi.

And, in all the craziness, I totally haven't been reading you guys, so I'm going to be trying to catch up over the next few days, so expect random guestbook signings or something.


The Magus

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