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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A Million Questions.

2003-09-17 - 5:01 a.m.

Okay, also, here is a survey that both jex and sianna stole from stacydc, who stole from verbalsmack ... ain't referencing fun?

Name Four Things That You Wished You Had:

A career that I loved.

A den.

A library.

Two (maybe three) children on their way to well-adjustment (or something)

Name Four Scents You Love:

Pumpkin Pie

Blueberry pie made by my dad's family (this includes sugar pie, I guess)

Sawdust, of the fresh variety

Cut grass, of the fresh variety.

Name Three People You Know Best:


Blind Merv (tied with mom, maybe)

My brother.

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:

Right now? Grammar, Rye, Frickin' George W., Underwear.

Name Four Things You Did Today: Played old playstation, went to class, bought books (one of which was signed by Terry Pratchet!), drank

Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like: Heck...I have a reputation of being into talk radio...I'm not sure that people know that I actually like listening to -their- music, too. I also don't have any real life friends here, and I don't give out much info to my online readers (relatively speaking), in short, I abstain.


-Current Clothes: jeans and t-shirt (kick-ass pants of last year developed a hole in the crotch. Pookie and I are going clothes shopping when Pookie's loan comes in)

Current Jewelry: Um...nipple piercing. I guess. Does that count?

-Current Mood: I'm like one of those sand-and-water frames right now...the kind that have multi-coloured sand that as you tip them the water and bubbles cause the sand the move into different configurations? I'm in a good configuration right now, but I also kinda sense some bad moods waiting in the wings. So...good with reservations.

-Current Music: I'm in a big U2 phase right now.

-Current Hair: Long, past my shoulder blades. I'm liking it braided....

-Current Annoyance: Mispellings, even though I do them a lot. Times a billion.

-Current thing I ought to be doing: Sleeping. I work sometimes, y'know.

Current Desktop Picture: Pookie chose a hottie naked boy that I have yet to find issue with.

-Current Favorite Artist: Musical: Bono (U2 - it's a phase)

Visual: The guy who did the sculpture for a building here in T.O. that looks to me like a bunch of people ascending to heaven, but which I'm sure is supposed to be a little less death-focused.

Written: This is going to change as soon as I finish the books I'm reading: Dostoevsky for Crime and Punishment, Anne Rice for Interview with a Vampire, and Terry Pratchet for The Fifth Elephant.

Other: I'm still waiting for Survivor: Pearl Islands to premiere.

-Current Favorite Group: Oo! The people who looked all literary on the subway yesterday! They were talky without being annoying. I wish they'd talked to me.

-Current Worry: God. Um...that I'll be stuck at work forever.

-Current Crush: Pookie. And this is totally not lying. I'm not prone to crushes, but Pookie has completely dominated that field for almost 5 years.


- did: Drank a lot.

- read: Completelely? Narnia's Last Battle. At all? Fifth Elephant.

- watched on tv: Daily Show with Jon Stewart


- tea or coffee: coffee (a non-count noun, by the way)

- high achiever or easy-going: Wish I was high achiever...I probably end up as somewhere in between.

- cats or dogs: Dogs. I'll take a cat if dogs aren't available.

- pen or pencil: Pen. I used to be a pencil purist in elementary school/early grade 7...but now I'm pen.

- gloves or mittens: gloves. I hate my fingers being confined together. With gloves, my fingers can conspire to deviousness in five seperate ways.

- cassette or cd: cd. Especially if they start giving music cds extra features.

- snuff or cigarettes: Snuff. 'Cause I quit smoking. Preferably, neither.

- matches or a lighter: lighter.

- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: Um....I'm not sure? I like beaches, though?


- kill: No one. I'm not good at wanting to kill. Not even the Olson Twins.

- hear from: Blind Merv called me t'other night so, now, my Prom Date.

- be like: My image of "older me"


- color: yellow

- shoes: anything that fits. I've become accustomed to not buying shoes until I'm almost wearing plastic bags. A "favourite" pair of shoes is still kinda weird to me. Um...something that fits and lasts longer than 6 months?

- vegetable: carrots, oddly.

- fruit: peaches. I so love peaches.


- last movie you saw on the big screen: 28 Days birthday present to myself.

- last thing you had to drink: Rye/whisky.

- last thing you ate: Pizza!

- last time you cried: Yesterday. Pookie and I watched "Auntie Mame" (not the musical version). The Christmas scene is cry-worthy.

- last time you smiled: Tonight, describing grammar class to Pookie.

- last time you laughed: When the grammar teacher inadvertantly tried to substitute "accountant" for "rat" (nouns...who can figure 'em?)

- last time you danced: I can't remember...we're talking months here.

- last thing you said: "I'll be to bed soon." Pookie woke up and passed me on the way to the bathroom about 20 minutes ago.

- last person you talked to online: wise...I'm actually taking the fifth.

-last person you talked to on the phone: Pookie. Before that, Blind Merv. Yay!

DO YOU...?

- smoke: No.

- do drugs: Some, yes.

- sleep with a stuffie: Do you mean teddy bear? No, but I like to hug a pillow.

- believe there is life on other planets: I hope there is.

- read the newspaper: Sometimes.

- consider yourself tolerant of others: Depends on the other.

- like the taste of alcohol: Depends on the alcohol: hate gin, like whisky.

- have a favorite Stooge: Curly.

- believe in astrology: No, but I still read it sometimes.

- believe in magic: I wish I did.

- pray: At random intervals I do...

- go to church: Yes, when I can.

- have any secrets: Yes. I've told most of them to someone or other.

- have any pets: Anti Lit Demon Cat is still alive.

- go to or plan to go to college: Plan to get my BA...I'll settle for an editing certificate.

- wear hats: only in the winter.

- have any piercings: My right nipple.

- hate yourself: Not usually, but it happens.

- wish on stars: Yeah, sometimes.

- like your handwriting: Yeah. It's a bizarre mix of both my dad's and my mom's...neither of them taught me handwriting.

- trust others easily: I trust on one level automatically, another level hardly at all.

- like sarcasm: I am not being sarcastic to answer this: my mom has gone on record as regretting teaching her children sarcasm, because they've used it so often.

- take walks in the rain: Yeah. I walk anywhere no matter the weather, but I've been known to just stand outside for the rain.

- kiss with your eyes closed: I kiss both ways, baby.

- sing in the shower: Oh, dammit, I do.

Oh. The end. Huh.

Any questions?


The Magus

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