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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Independant Media and Hordes of Puppies

2003-07-23 - 12:33 p.m.

Hm. Despite the fact that Pookie assures me that his credit card was about $16 over the limit, I have a bunch of banner ads that I can use. The question is whether or not I should use them now or if I should wait to see if they get taken away because I may or may not have paid to use them.

The other question is: what have I done?

I think I may have just volunteered, via the Indymedia meeting last night, to be the main force behind getting a print version of Ontario Indymedia off the ground. Like, as a ligitimate publication. With, like, real news.

It was actually a fun meeting. Only six of us showed up, but in a lot of ways I think that's a good thing. When there are a lot of people, I tend to be less open and just sit quietly back unless I'm -sure- I have authority to say something. With six people there (one of them a little creepy, another who did not say one word throughout the entire meeting unless asked a direct question, and even then she would only speak in the quietest voice ever) I was able to participate, and I think they were glad for it.

The meeting itself was like a slow-motion train wreck, in that the conversation kept veering off-topic, the people who were there didn't have much background knowledge (we were supposed to talk about setting up a conference or something, except no one had anything to do with it, so we sat staring at each other for two minutes wondering if someone was going to pull a detailed conference plan out of their ass), and some of us weren't really sure where others of us stood. But overall it was great. I think that for the next meeting, I'll actually have some concrete ideas and suggestions, instead of just making things up on the spot. Exciting, eh?

In another couple of months, I'll probably be a real, live activist, involved in alternative media, and something of a mover and a shaker. Wee!

Okay, so, the final vote for the banners is that "B" has won by a landslide. Of two votes. B isn't my favourite...I like the cat licking one the best, but that could be because I'm very, very sick. In the head. And maybe spleen.

So, what I'll do is use a lot of B, and some of the cat-licking one. And I'll also thank all of you who voted (both of you). I'll get Pookie to pray for happy puppies to follow you wherever you go, which will be to a bank to collect millions and millions of dollars, because he'll pray for that, too. He'll also pray for the weather of your choice, if you have to walk a long way to get to the bank, but if you choose to have a picnic afterwards, the weather of your choice will hold.

And now I'm being silly. It sounds to me like I ought to go and get my library card now.


The Magus

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