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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

No dogs with pants.

2003-07-17 - 8:34 p.m.

I just had my last class in that intro to editing course, and I'm pretty pleased with myself. The class was actually just a guest speaker, and she talked about freelance editing as a career option, and I'm quite's something that I may actually look into, especially since Pookie will have a secure job, and I'll have the time to devote to building my own business (using socialist business methods, of course...).

My final grade was 95%, which is a good thing, and is a sign that I might actually be good at it in the long-term. Huzzah!

The next round of classes don't start until September, so in the meantime I've got to fill in my time with something, and that something is likely to be volunteering for the Ontario branch of Indymedia, a group that definitely needs some editorial help. They're having a meeting next week that, oddly, I don't have work, so I'm going to stop by for that.

Beyond that, my life is so boring that I don't have anything interesting to write about. I'll try to think of something in the vein of flying monkeys and dogs with pants for the next entry.


The Magus

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