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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-07-10 - 7:52 p.m.

Yesterday I attempted to take up running. I hate running. I don't know why I tried it, other than that my gym membership has been expired for 2 months and I'm really jonesing for some physical activity of some sort and we won't be able to renew my gym membership until the 15th.

So, yesterday at 7am, I went for a 15 minute jog, which was probably more like 4 minutes of jogging and 11 minutes of walking with my shins burning in pain. And now my legs feel all weird, like almost stiff as if I did a big workout on them, but not quite. They may be on strike, or something.

I'm possibly going to try to continue this running thing, if only because I think I need more cardio in my life, and it's good to shake things up once in a while. I just wish I didn't hate it so much.

In other news, I just wrote my final for that editing class, and I got my last assignment back (98%! Woo!). It looks like I'll pass with an A or something, which is always fun. I haven't had an A since my 1st year of university, way back in '95/'96. Every year after that, I just started slacking.

My project for the next few days is to update my resume, and to maybe start throwing it out there. I think I could be an editor, maybe. I mean, I catch a lot of stuff that newspapers and things miss, and I actually have some practical skills now...

Of course, this doesn't mean that I'll be doing any better at keeping my own diary free of typso...


The Magus

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