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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Are we alone here?

2003-07-09 - 11:43 p.m.

Walking to work, I had one of those moments where the whole of my species, or at least of my society, seemed so ridiculously wonderful that I couldn't look at anything without smiling. I mean, we're just so earnestly, willfully silly...

Luckily, work has completely sucked whatever joy there was in that sentiment out of me. Now I can just wonder at how stupid we all are, and how we should probably have choked ourselves on toxic fumes much sooner than this, if there was any justice. I'm getting the feeling that we've had too many "second chances."

I'm also writing a short story about a conversation with a devil. I wonder where it will take me...


The Magus

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