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Tenacious D Rocks.

Change in fortune

2003-07-09 - 5:18 p.m.

So, Pookie just got a temporary job that will pay him about $100/hour. He's sort of teaching/consulting for a week. The really cool part is that, if this week goes well, they might ask him to work over the fall as well. If they give him 8 hours a week (which is a possibility) he'll be making double what I make now.

How did this happen, that I'm suddenly dating a man who is worth so much cash?

Anyway, I think both of us are sort of in shock, since neither of us had really considered the fact that his having a Master's degree would ever actually pay off in a material way. I think both of us are still kind of in the "It's a really expensive piece of paper" mindset when it comes to diplomas. I'm not sure if we're prepared for Pookie making so much money while doing something he actually enjoys.

So, basically, we may find ourselves in a situation where I'm not working so much this year and am able to put even more energy into my own education, and still having us not be debt-ridden. Weird.

I hope this shock-phase wears off soon, though, because I just agreed to go into work tonight to cover someone's shift, thinking that for some reason we needed the extra $30 bucks.


The Magus

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