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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-07-07 - 9:33 p.m.

So, current quandary (because it's gotta happen, it's really gotta!): is it a conflict of interest to apply for a job at the print company that is possibly in some-sort-of (as opposed to "direct") competition with the parent company that provides me with a paycheque?

To help, I've decided on three possible opinions...

My Employer: "We used to hate 'em, but they've got a new owner, who we invite to publicity parties. Our old "bitchfests", those catfights about how we each suck, found in our editorial pages, are long in the past. We're friends! ... Er, but if you piss us off - just once - we are totally going to whip your ass, and possibly fire you. We've fired people for less."

Other Press: (I have no idea what they'd say, because I have never worked with them, nor have I talked with anyone who works for them. What I -know- is that they are still the underdog...)

Me: GOD! I don't frickin' care! I'm able to handle a copy-editting job that involves a commitment of "every second weekend," and since I work in the "drunken old married men want sex too" department of a press, I have no conflict of interest. I'm about as likely to get a copy-editor's job at my current place of employ as I am to get a dentist look at my teeth.

Still, because of past experience, I'm afraid.


The Magus

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