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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-06-27 - 8:18 a.m.

So, because it's my birthday, not only do I get really nice guestbooks signings and cards in the mail that are both really thoughtful and giggle-inducing, I get to sort of reflect on the good things that I've done for myself in the last year, and to maybe think about where I'll be in the next.

This is just going to be one of my "milestone"-type entries, where I tell everyone what a great guy I am and am becoming and where everyone can be like "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go back to bed."

I started being 25 by going to Ottawa for a protest, facing not only my dislike of strangers and unfamiliar situations but also looking at my own beliefs and why I was even bothering.

I started going to the gym in August, and went regularly until June of this year (and will be starting again in July...). I'm in much better physical shape than I was a year ago.

I quit drinking for, like, five weeks, the first time I hadn't had a drink once a week since I was 20. That's definitely something I want to try again.

I wrote a novel of 50,000 words in the space of 15 days during the National Novel Writing Month in November.

I had one of the most memorable, happy Christmases spent here with Pookie - the first Holiday season when I wasn't home. Or well, the first Holiday season in a home of my choosing.

I survived a tougher-than-usual winter, and the less said about that, the better, because, considering what happened to other people I know, I got off easy.

I started an editing class, and got really good marks. I've started putting together ideas about what I want to do with my life.

I've started going to church more regulary, which hasn't made much of a dint in my agnosticism, except that it's helped me to recognise the spirituality involved in being agnostic, it's given me a chance to connect with something larger than and a part of myself on a semi-regular basis. Even if I don't necessarily believe it exists.

I went back to Halifax, to discover that my home isn't there anymore, but also to discover that that's a really freeing thing.

I got a gift certificate for books, which isn't really an accomplishment, but the thought of going and buying several works of fiction today has me giddy.

So, Happy birthday to me, and I hope that 26 brings as much joy, wonder, and self-discovery as 25 did.

Let the festivities commence!


The Magus

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