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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

New Toys

2003-06-25 - 8:20 a.m.

I've gone and made some changes to my layout, including adding that brand-spankin'-new "Random Entry" thingy over there to the left, and changing it so my titles are now visible on the entry page and not just in the list of "Older" entries.

I also realized that anyone can make a link to random the-magus entries, even if they are being linked to my entries from a completely different site. Neat!

I'm also realizing that the ratio of drunk/nonsensical entries to sensical/not drunk entries is disturbingly high. Don't blame me should you try out the funky random entry link and decide that I am crazy. There's only so much blame I can handle.

Furthermore, I am realising that having the titles visible from the entry increases the pressure to come up with interesting and thought-provoking headings, whereas before I could just write tripe like "WEEEEeeeEEEE Me is STupid! Yo!"*

See what happens when I go crazy because everything I write turns to dust?


The Magus

*Not an actual subject heading that I've used. Meant for demonstration purposes only.**

**Gratuitous use of asterisks is a trademark of the-ordinary and is protected under all copywrite laws***.

***No it isn't, silly!

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