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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-06-22 - 6:08 a.m.

I'm going to go postal here at work one of these days. I really am. (Anyone else remember when "going postal" became a part of the lexicon?)

The credit card processing machine thingy stopped working. I paged the person I was supposed to page. Twice. She did not answer, and so I did (what I thought) was the next best thing and paged her 2nd-in-command, who got back to me, and we resolved the situation.

Just now, as I'm getting back from lunch, the first person (the department manager) calls and reams me out for calling the 2nd in command. In the last year, I've also been reamed for not paging people, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to proceed. If an emergency arises, should I cower beneath the desk and rock back and forth until the relief comes?

This isn't just me. The department as a whole is aware that reporting situations is like a game of Jell-O shooters, with half the little cups containing Jell-O spiked with yummy, yummy vodka, the other half laced with strychnine.

Pookie darn well better finish school and get a decent job soon.


The Magus

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