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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Note from home

2003-06-19 - 10:19 p.m.

And so I come home after school to find a note from Pookie. If I had a scanner, I'd scan it for you all so you could see how awful Pookie's handwriting is, but also because there were illustrations. Since I don't have a scanner, I'll have to transcribe it, but first a few notes:

Pookie usually calls me "Buttercup," to which I often respond "Pookie Breath!" I'm not sure how I became a flower or how he became an oddly-odoured exhalation, but such is the way of pet-names. For some reason, though, he calls me Pookie Breath in the note.

Also, Pookie's real name isn't "Pookie," but I've changed that because he's sensitive about his real name (which might be Ernie, but I won't swear to it) being on the internet.

Here it is:

"Hey there Pookie Breath. Didn't get to talk to you much today. Just wanted to say I love you lots!


(that's your b'friend, Pookie, if you have been struck in the head and have lost your memory. If you have aphasia, I'll tell you what this says when I get home, oh wait, never mind.

[picture of an eye][picture of a heart][picture of a sheep, specifically an ewe, but he didn't illustrate the gender. The Ewe is saying "Baa!" though, in case I mistook it for a fluffy cloud with stick legs]"

It is great to be me.


The Magus

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