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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Moms factor into politics more than you'd believe.

2003-06-02 - 3:14 a.m.

My mom taught me that when you know that something is right, you can not compromise.

Whether she dislikes that lesson or not, that is what she taught me.


My mom, when she first won an election, was my hero.

She was a woman. She was socialist. She was poor.


She lost the next election. It had been a minority government, and the government was toppled (use a search engine if this is too much info). Mom's party - the "worker's party" - could not even give her a job.


She was still my hero.

I saw her when she was a politician, and she was a strong human being. She liked herself, sometimes.


I also saw her struggling with her party, while she was an elected official. She hated the "politics of being re-elected." She hated the closed-door meetings, where she would be told (because she was a "backbencher") to do what she was told...or else.


I also saw her party... -our- party...the party of the "Left"...the party that promised her a job...

That party didn't even return her calls.


Um, that will be Part One. Pookie and I have had a conversation about his conflicted feelings toward his mother (No, I'm not kidding. I am, however, drunk). I've lost the battle, but not the war.


The Magus

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