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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The History of Television

2003-05-24 - 7:54 a.m.

TV shows that I've watched, in rough chronological order (with the occasional parenthetical statement to elaborate):

Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers (but when I got older, I only watched it for the puppet-y segments), Today's Special, Romper Room (but only for the Paddington Bear segments), Smurfs (but after the Smurflings came along, it lost its edge, Snorks, Transformers, My Little Pony (don't ask), G.I. Joe, A-Team (I can only really remember one segment that I actually watched, which had Murdock playing with nunchucks and acting all crazy. From that point on, whenever we pretended to be the A-Team, I would be Murdock, and he would always have nunchucks. I thought they were "his" weapon.), V (I only got to watch one episode when my mom had a late meeting or something and I stayed up late enough), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Donatello's my favourite), War of the Worlds (the series) Star Trek: the Next Generation, Saved by the Bell, Degrassi: Junior High ER, Degrassi High, Kids in the Hall, My So-Called Life, Star Trek Deep Space Nine (My favouritest ST series ever), Buffy:The Vampire Slayer (Only the first 4-5 seasons are any good), Star Trek Voyager, Survivor, Trailer Park Boys.

I wonder what that says about me?


The Magus

PS: This entry brought to ytou because we have gotten rid of the extended digital cable and so now, instead of having 150+ channels, we only have 50 - 60, and there is currently nothing on.

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