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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Where's that reset button?

2003-04-08 - 7:37 a.m.

I'm sure that many of you, over the past few weeks (in between thinking about the war, of course) have been wondering "Gee...didn't The Magus once say that he lives in Toronto? Isn't Toronto one of the cities most affected by this SARS thing? Didn't he already go through a bout of the Norwalk Virus? Does this mean that he's going to start whining about how sick he's getting again? Should I take him off my favourites list, at least until this SARS thing is over?"

The answer to these, and many other questions, is "Yes, yes, yes, hope not, NO!"

So, due to my penchant to listening to news every time I work, I have been feeding off a steady diet of war and illness news for the last month or so. To compound all that, we've been getting a bunch of winter storms for the first few weeks of spring.

To remedy the inevitable malaise that this is bound to cause, I intend to spend the weekend immersing myself in fiction - my own.


The Magus

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