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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-04-07 - 5:17 a.m.

The short version is that Pookie, who's been battling some serious depression for the last few months, had a breakdown. He's band-aid better now, hoping the band-aid will hold until we can afford some happy drugs, which should be on the 15th or thereabouts.

The longer version is pretty much identical to the short version, but is much longer and really boring, and I shan't inflict it upon you.

I'm feeling general dread right now. I'm at work. I have to write a response to that damn employee review.

I wonder if there's an evolutionary reason for this feeling of existential angst...I mean, were my ancestors really any better off having days when they sensed doom, even though there was no real reason to sense doom? I can't imagine how having all this jaw-clenching and shoulder-hunching could have left them any better off.

I start school in 10 days.


The Magus

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