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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-03-29 - 5:13 a.m.

The sound of rain against the office's window...its nice but it's giving me a chill.

I still haven't told you guys what my activist-y homework was going to be. Mainly, I wussed out on what I was really hoping to do, which was to write brochure-y style primer on why people are protesting, sort of explaining to anyone who's new to activism why feminists are there, why queer activists are there, why the Marxists or the anti-globalisation people, etc. I think a lot of folks are feeling their way through the conflict around the war, feeling that it's wrong and showing up at the protests but really having no further context or anchor beyond the speeches and the signs (Funniest I saw: "Bombing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity"). I want to develop a tool to help people to understand that not only does this war run deeper than "Bush vs Saddam" but that they are, by showing up at a protest, becoming part of several other movements as well. I want these newbies to have a chance to continue with activism even after this war is a footnote in history.

But, since that would be a lot of work, I've decided that my real homework will be to make a sign to carry. Any suggestions?


The Magus

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