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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Water, water everywhere...

2003-03-28 - 7:01 a.m.

And a few things that didn't really fit in in the last entry (because, as you well know, faithful reader, I like to keep my entries flowing in a logical procession. No meandering tripe for me! No sir, each subject in its place and each place for its subject, I always say...)...

(Speaking of I allowed to do what I just did, seperating two ellipses with only a close-parenthesis? This question and many others will be answered when I start Editing School in Less Than Three Weeks! Stay tuned...)...

I've decided to do the "drink a lot of water because it's good for you even if it means that you'll be peeing every forty-five minutes, if you're lucky, and even during sleep-time" thing. As a consequence, I've been peeing every forty-five minutes or so. The idea, and I guess I have no reason to believe this is not true, is that the reason you urinate (<- technical medical term) so often is because on average we aren't drinking enough water, and so our bodies go into a sort of "dehydration mode" where they store water for weeks and months, just in case. Yes, my friends, my followers, my acolytes, The Magus is like a Camel! Anyway, once your body starts getting an adequate supply of water it starts to flush out all of the -old- water, which is where all the peeing comes in. According to one website, once you get rid of all that stored water you reach a "breakthrough moment" (which sounds suspiciously new-age-y to me, but anywhoo...) and your bathroom habits should be restored to normal, along with a healthy feeling, a newfound limbering of the limbs, and a supernatural glow of goodness. Or something. The article got a little boring, so I may have made that very last bit up.

It all sounds fine, and worth a shot, but the thing is that while I know more than a few people who've given the "drink so much water that you hate yourself and never sleep again" thing a shot, I don't know of anyone who has reached the "breakthrough moment." More accurately, I only know people who gave up after realising that there isn't enough literature in the world to make that much bathroom time even remotely appealing (and for the record, I usually stand up to pee, so literature shouldn't have anything to do with it...I just thought the sentence was funny. Funny in a way that this aside is not. I shall carry on).

Thing is, I'm stubborn, and I'm feeling like I'm gonna keep on trucking with this extra water thing, even though I already went to the bathroom before I started this entry and now I have to go again and even though I'm terrified that someday soon I -won't- wake up during one of those "Hey look, a waterfall! Hey look, a fire hose! Hey look, a - hey!" dreams before it's too late. Has -anyone- out there reached a breakthrough moment? Or even just a spiritual realisation? I need this...I think my bladder is starting to hurt.

The other stuff I wanted to add in this but got crowded out was pretty much that the anti-lit demon cat killed a mouse and that we got our camera to work, so I am one step closer to posting some pics of me. I'd write about those, but I have to go to the little boy's room now...


The Magus

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