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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Take a moment

2003-03-25 - 7:38 a.m.

It is kind of interesting to see how the war is affecting diarylanders...there are so many differing opinions on here, which I think is a good thing. I have to think it's a good thing, on account of my shooting my mouth off with my own more-or-less ill-informed opinions.

I recommend that everyone take a moment to just brouse through some banners, especially those that rub you the wrong way or espouse a belief that you don't necessarily agree with. Take some time to read the other person's diary, not just the entries that are political but also the ones that show the writer as a full-fledged person.

If you need to respond to them, do so (hopefully in a reasonable and reasoned way), but you don't have to. Just take a few moments to think about how this person came to their opinions, how their experiences may have influenced their outlook, and think about what they are saying that you agree with. Find commonalities, things you share.

It's the slimmest of silver linings in a case of war, but if we can't learn from this, if we can't learn from each other then what hope is there for all of us, no matter what side we're on?


The Magus

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