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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-03-21 - 2:02 a.m.

So, some entries appear to have been eaten. What happened, that I can recall, was that we're at war and I had a miserable performance review at work.

Today, inexplicably, I am unpredictably waffling from complete anguish to absolute calm contentment (in the "Holy smokes, everything -is- going to be okay!" sort of way).

As a result, I am unable to write an entry, I think, on my position here at work, the consequences of what happened, and what it's like to be completely victimised in the course of a review, because my whole emotional landscape is undergoing some sort of massive shift.

The shift is a good thing, I think. Brought on by spring, mainly. We had a craptastic winter for 2003. It wasn't as bad as it could have been (take, for example, Pookie's best friend who's place of business (and entire life) burned to the ground a few weeks ago), and it's just a step along the road.

Plus, the realisation that I -can- give a two months notice (I haven't, and probably won't...yet) is mildly empowering.

But most of all, I think the best thing anyone can do when they're having the week I've had is to take a long walk in the spring drizzle.


The Magus

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