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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

And I haven't even mentioned my IBS.

2003-03-18 - 7:21 p.m.

Well, I am a problem employee.

For reasons that I don't understand.

So...considering the 2 months of a houseguest, the stroke of my partner's mom, the rejection for two positions at work, the pipes freezing, and exploding, with subsequent flooding, the delay of Pookie's student loan (of two extra happy months), the letter from the landlady saying we need to get insurance (at less than $300 a year!) or our rent will go up...let us just add Pookie's dealing with abuse while he was a child. We'll add that 'cause it's fun.

Would you be a little negative at work?

Apparently I've been a lot negative. Enough so that my Big Supervisor had to give a Threat that was not a Threat (the wording? "How important -is- your paycheque?" Followed by "That was not a threat!")

I am...

Those elipsis are important, because I'm not sure where I am. There was no coming-to-understanding today. I was completely unprepared for what I experienced today.

Oo...A completion of the sentence with the elipsis...

I am...a complete wreck.


We also have war.

The Magus

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