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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Old Hobbies

2003-02-21 - 2:31 a.m.

I want to get back into karate and swimming.

Those are the sports of my youth, taken sporadically because mom couldn't pay for them all the time, but both were important to me. A part of my identity.

I think about karate a lot, I wonder if I can take a class at the Y. I wonder if I'd go.

I wonder about swimming, too.

They were a part of my identity.

I was also in band, but my instrument was too expensive, so I borrowed it from the school. Graduation meant leaving the baritone behind.

It's strange how those things formed my identity, but now they're absent from my life. It's like I left my interests behind when I became an adult.

I do have new interests. Porn, working out, activism, writing (a new and old interest, really)...but I miss those old ones.

I should do something about it, because the person that those activities helped to define is a person with whom I'd like to be reaquainted. There is room for both Maguses.


The Magus

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