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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Who said Tuesdays are boring?

2003-02-11 - 11:30 a.m.

We ordered pizza last night.

The pizza guy, perhaps confounded by our instructions of "The side door" opened our -back- door and neglected to tell us.

It was cold (the house, not the pizza) all night.

We eventually discovered that the door was open, closed it, but then saw that our pipes were frozen.

Hm. Frozen pipes. Well, now that the door is closed, they should warm up at a steady pace...

And sure enough, after an hour or so, I heard the reassuring rush of water. It was -gushing-. It was as if the ice had been like a dam on a white-water river, and that the water had finally, finally! broken free of its restrictions, flowing over hill and dale and valley and vale to reach the ocean...

Yes. You guessed it. The pipes burst. Our laundry room is flooded, my (and Pookie's and Eli's) feet are blocks of water-logged ice.

We are lucky that we were all home, though.


The Magus

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