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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-01-17 - 1:26 a.m.

I'm thinking, on account of diaryland making up a huge chunk of my online time, of setting up a public diary where diarylanders can arrange to meet...sort of like those online journal conventions.

Is this already being done? Is it a good idea?

I'm going to ponder.

I think that I am coming out of my funk, though I must make note that this is the first time I've had any sort of record of an entire year of my emotional highs and lows. I know that I tend towards craziness in the wintertime (also in the spring, summer, and fall), but it will be interesting to see how future years are dealt with, now that I have some sort of comparisson.

We've paid all our bills off, thanks to an emergency cheque from the student loan people, but now the bank has decided to freeze our overdraft until Monday, because the emergency cheque was so large. For those who don't know, Pookie and I -live- in overdraft. We have become adept at assessing our finances in negative numbers. Since our finances are currently in the negative, even after the emergency cheque, we effectively have access to about $14.00 Cdn.

Pookie's mom was sounding better on the phone, Pookie tells me, and we managed to buy groceries with the last of my paycheque, so the cupboards are (for the moment) full.

I still feel completely alienated from the universe, but I have decided to use this to my advantage: as an outsider, I am free to critique and be as much a curmudgeon as I want to be. An example:

Drivers suck. Even you.

Movies suck. They're vapid and annoying.

Television sucks. It was better before I was even born. Today it's all melodrama and shallow moralizing.

That was more fun than I expected.

Everyone should now go to my discussion board ("Open Forum") and post something, because I paid for it and no one other than me has posted anything since october.

We bought pants to replace my fantabulous wonderful pants which have worn through. I still need to get a picture of them, and a scanner to upload the picture.

That's all I have to say.


The Magus

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