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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Opening lines

2003-01-10 - 6:15 a.m.

Two opening lines for a news story:

"Blix says there's no sign of a 'Smoking gun' in Iraq."


"Iraq is lying, the US says."

The whole story, in both cases, is that Blix and the UN inspectors have not yet found any sign of weapons in Iraq, but that they still need time to do their jobs, and that they would like some very specific things (such as a talk with some Iraqi scientists outside the country on neutral ground) before they feel at all settled with things. And the US is saying that they -know- that there are weapons in Iraq.

The first opening line is what the BBC and Radio Pologna (spelling, yeesh) are starting their broadcasts with, the second is how Canadian radio started its broadcast. I'd be interested to know how CNN might treat the story.

It's important to understand (or at least try to understand) how context, arrangement, timing influences a story.


The Magus

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