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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Let it Snow

2003-01-03 - 2:03 a.m.

Can I just say that I love snow? We're getting a snow storm here, which is supposed to give us between 20 and 30 centimeters (I -think- that's in the realm of 8-12 inches) and I love it. I walked to work, all 55 minutes of it, trudging through a city-turned-arctic-wasteland, the closest I can get to an adventure these days.

I'm an odd duck, in that I like to pretend that I am an explorer, walking through uncharted wilds. I can feel my legs burning with the extra effort 9it takes to walk through snow, my heart pounding, my breath hot in my lungs and cold in my throat. There are fewer cars, and I feel daring, unique: who else would dare to walk in this weather? Who else is enjoying the buffetting winds, the flying snow as I am?

I will get so sick of winter in a few weeks, but now, sitting in the office window, watching the snow fly outside, turning the street unrecognisable, I'm reminded of the things I like about winter.


The Magus

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