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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-01-02 - 7:09 a.m.

On the personal front, I may be thinking about applying for the supervisor position here. The new supervisor got canned for Reasons Unknown (tm), so the position is vacant.

I'm feeling really hesitant about it, though. The good points are that I'd set my own schedule (within certain limits), would get a pay raise, and would no longer be working midnights. The job would be more challenging, and I'd (mostly) only have to deal with the really tough customers. I liked being a supervisor at the evil grocery store, and I think I do well at the "lower-middle-rung" rank in general.

But I'm feeling really cautious. Part of it is that I recently vacated a position of authority on an online RPG site. I was put in the position I had mainly because they were desperate, and at several points I was reminded that it was their desperation, moreso than any skills or abilities that I brought to the table, that kept me there. I didn't like that, and I think I'm still stinging from it. I'm worried that it might be a similar situation here: do people think I'd make a good supervisor, or do they have reservations?

I think I'm afraid to fully commit to the idea, because I'm afraid of being disappointed. It's time for some postive affirmation. Time to start talking to myself in the mirror each morning. It worked for that Survivor guy.

And stupid Pookie is at his brother's house overnight, so I can't even call him this morning and talk with him about it. Pookie! I miss you! Come home!

I'm more tired tonight than I have any right to be. Happy New Year, all.


The Magus

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