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Drinking at work!

2002-12-14 - 4:45 a.m.

I just had a completely unexpected, but good, three-or-four hours at work, on account of a co-worker getting completely drunk on the pretense that it was our Christmas party today.

Drinking at work! How risque!

Luckily, she managed to hold it together until her shift was over: at around that point we were talking about how wrong it was that E.T. had been editted. I had a phone call. I turned around and she was suddenly talking baby talk. Things did not improve.

Oh how tempted I am to follow her example, but I know that if I go beyond those small glasses of wine I had at the beginning of the shift that I will be asleep and useless by the time the shift is done.

Imagine! Drinking at work! Does anyone else live such a madcap life as I? I didn't think so.


The Magus

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