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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Self promotion

2002-12-13 - 5:13 a.m.

"Something Spectacular." Happy?

Anyway, a moment of self-promotion:

I still have that happy discussion-y forum thing going on. If you want to have a chance to debate or discuss with me, to either encourage more of my insightful rants or to slap me upside the head for being leftist commie scum, I really recommend clicking on that link at the top left corner of the screen.

Don't worry that it looks like there isn't much action! The reason why it's quiet is because I can already talk to myself -here-. I'm waiting for others to start saying things. You don't even have to sign up as a user (though I'd appreciate it if you did) to post...and signing up is free!

Tell your friends, your enemies, the people on the bus! Yes! Yes! Go go go!


The Magus

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