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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Imitation and Flattery

2002-12-08 - 10:07 a.m.

I should be flattered, I'm sure, but someone has been plagiarizing me -wholesale-.

I'm just not in the mood for it though.

Hey! Lazy chick who can't be bothered to come up with your own stuff! It's not worth it! If my stuff was any good, I'd be getting paid for it. And if I ever start getting paid for it, I'll have the cash to sue: online journals count as copyrighted materials, whether there is a copyright mark or not. YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW.

To everyone else...Did you know that you can read my stuff over at livejournal? Yeah, someone's totally copying off of me. Wait til she finds out that I'm a lousy writer...

And, I'm grumpy. Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.


The Magus

PS: My greatest hits, according to "yumheart" include:
"If she is really that much of a drain, why stay friends with her?" The question, of course, begs an answer, which would then be "Because she's a really great person, and when we are -not- talking about her various boyfriends of the years we talk about everything from 'growing up,' to 'psychic powers,' to religion, to global issues. And even with the draining boy talk, we also had fun, in our boring sit-at-a-table kind of way."
Which can be found here.
This: It amazes me how much variety there is in the world, how foolish it is to assume categories and "types". I already lived in a world so far beyond the "There is only one ideal family," had been taught to love diversity, and now it seems it's everywhere.
With my last Journal I talked a bit about my reading up on ecology, it's always stressed that diversity is very important. It provides stability to ecosystems, as well as a chance to change. Variations between species and within species mean that a group of life forms are more able to adapt to changes in the environment, are faster to change and grow.
Coming at it from the other way, more variety springs from healthier environments. It feels very much like this applies to human diversity. It's as if by accepting difference and providing support and encouraging each other we are promoting our own ecosystem, we're fostering richer soil. Communities that support difference seem stronger to me, groups where a bunch of different individuals working together or just having fun seem more appealing.
I know that I tend to be afraid of change, but I'm very glad to have had this past year and whats to come, with all of its changes and challenges. I am, I will be richer for it, there's more color in the world than there was, my horizons are wider than they've been.
In a way, its almost like being a kid again: there's so much that's possible, and so much that's wonderful and inspiring that sometimes I can't help but smile uncontrollably.
Can be found here.
There's a whole lot more, but I'm just hoping I have the formatting right....

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