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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

It's too early. It really is too early.

2002-11-14 - 6:31 a.m.

So, talk about energy reduction turned to Christmas, and the massive amounts of lights that people tend to use. The radio asked what, if anything, people planned to do to reduce energy use, and I suddenly had inspiration. Bear with me and pretend I'm a community-minded busy-body who likes kids and things...

Instead of everyone decorating their own house, how about communities pitch in to create a 'Holiday village.' Families could have little plots or aspects of the village, and everyone could visit the christmas/holiday lights with their families whenever they wanted. It would foster a community spirit, give kids something to do as the weather turns cold and the temptation to stay inside in front of the television grows. It would also help families save money, and give those families without much cash a chance to decorate like kings and queens.

The Magus: Social Engineer.


The Magus

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