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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Brief Addendum

2002-11-04 - 10:36 p.m.

So, his brothers stopped by and gave us cash and we were able to visit, but I'm on my way to work. I'll write more tonight, but I just wanted to add something that I forgot to include about the methods in activism entry.

I just wanted to mention that another reason why some sort of method that is repeatable and leads to growth of knowledge is good is because everything is related, and looking at things in the right way will show that priorities can be false.

For example, in Africa, some program along with some company are starting distribute solar ovens to the poorer communities. These ovens are basically parabolic ovens, which means a reflective surface bent in such a way to focus the sun's heat. I guess you can bake a meal for a family of four in under an hour, and all you have to do is just leave it there. This is good for several reasons: it means that people won't have to use as much wood or animal dung to cook, which means they have more resources to use for other things. It also is non-toxic, and environmentally safe, as well as practically more safe than an open flame.

There are other solutions like these that work on so many different levels, but there's no reliable way to keep track of them, no way to compare them objectively and say what it is about them that works, what could be improved, or how these solutions could be altered to work on other problems.

That is all. More later, I expect.


The Magus

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