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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

No money means no money.

2002-11-02 - 6:13 p.m.

Here is a conversation that Pookie has had with all three of his relatives (2 brothers and his mother) over the last few days. It is the same conversation, and I have no idea what they said, because I can only listen to Pookie. The conversation is about us invited to visit Pookie's police officer brother and his family.

"We'd love to come up and visit, but the tickets to Oshawa cost money, and we have no money."

"blah blah blah," says his brother (I assume.)

"Yes, but we have no money."

"Blah Blah?"

"No, we have no money. We have zero dollars."

"Blah? Blah blah."

"No, I cannot borrow from one of my professors. No, we do not have the money lying around. We have nothing."

He has had this conversation THREE TIMES!

I would like to ask that, in the future, if I or Pookie tell someone that we have no money, and if we seem particularly insistant that we have no money, it means that Pookie is a student who has to pay not only for his tuition but also for books, transportation, additional resources (pens, paper, binders), and I am a customer service guy who makes just enough to pay rent, buy food, and, if we're lucky, clothes. The ONLY reason why I have money in the bank now is because Pookie and I aren't drinking anymore and because I am determined to not touch any of that until Christmas.

We are above the poverty line, I think, but it still is freakin' annoying to have to deal with people who have no concept at all about what it's like to have no money. You can grow up poor, sure, but try being an adult while poor and it's a whole new level of shame and frustration.

The latest version of the conversation happened just now, just after we came back from grocery shopping. We had $50.00 with which to buy enough food to last until the 15th.

We're both somewhat upset.


The Magus

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