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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Revenge of the Russians

2002-10-31 - 12:47 a.m.

I really, really, really want to get a scanner. If anyone wants to send me a scanner, I'd be happy. I'd be happiest with a scanner that works.

I still have to show everyone my pants, before they disintegrate due to my chaos field.

Also, I finally found my copy of the Karamazov Brothers, and am now 60 pages from the end. This novel will not defeat me! I -will- finish at least one Russian novel before the year is out!

This book makes me wish I had had to read it for an english course. There's so much depth too it, so much to think about that I really wish someone was forcing me to analyze it in exchange for credit.

And as if this book weren't enough, I have an unread copy of Crime and Punishment sitting in the bedroom. I think I'm prepared for another year of forcing myself to open the book, and then having to force myself to close it.

It should be noted that the reason why I have had 3 hours less sleep than I need today is because of Russian literature. I will not be coherent.


The Magus

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