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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-10-26 - 8:08 a.m.

I just finished reading all of"The Watchmen," a DC comic written in the 80s, and certain proof that you don't need to be a novel to be literature.

But I'm wondering now if that comic would even be published today...

Lately I've been wondering about the fad to publicly postpone movies, or to scrap them alltogether, because of real life occurances.

To me, it seems cheap. It seems like a calculated decision, not out of respect for a tragedy, but because you know that if a sniper movie won't be big now, it certainly will in 6 months.

Or, if the movie is scrapped, it's quite a convenient way to get rid of movies that will ask difficult questions.

I'm a little of the opinion that an event is not enough to justify banning or withholding art. Most artists I know are people who care deeply about the world and the people around them, and whether that shows explicitly in their work or not, even if their work is angry or hostile, that's usually the motivation. Artists create because they love creation.

Of course, there's probably some deeply cynical "I hate everything" sculptor out there who'd disagree.


The Magus

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