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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

So, fall-out from party.

2002-10-20 - 4:04 a.m.

So...had one persaon and his friend. Apparently the firings of a few months ago (see around a bout April?) were indeed about diaryland journals. I can't fully express my frustration and/or my anger about this...check back, and then read for perspective, and then watch be tell everyone 'undercover'. I -do- feel bad that my pseudo-friend told me, point blank, that it was diaryland entries that cost some kick ass people their jobs...because he's supposed to be a pseudofriend...

I totally suck as a confidante. I will keep some secrets and completely reveal others, completely dependant on how I feel about them.


The Magus

(PS...the above was completely a fiction, written on my own computer and based on nothing I have ever, ever experienced. So there.)
(PPS: I went back and editted some stuff out...there should be an entry a few days from "now" explaining why.)

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